Sneaking in a little personal project between two large client projects. Also the reason I haven't posted anything for 3 months. Hopefully I'll have a little more time for the blog from now on.
This started out with me fiddling around with some new texture maps and seeing how they reacted to different lighting setups. Turned into a proper, albeit small project. Will be using this to demonstrate a closeup of Vray materials to my students as well as basic lighting setups.
The technicals: UVW'd chamfer boxes, standard glass and SS, tweaked diffuse maps using the Color Correct plugin and bump maps all round. Render setup is as usual; LWF with Reinhard on 0.5, Adaptive DMC, Cook Variable, Irradiance on medium, LC at default. LC also handling glossies, makes for faster rendering with minimal visual difference. Lighting setup is studio with visible plane lights. Render time approx 20 mins each
Postwork for colour corrections, brightness, contrast and general cleaning up. Click through for high res.